Everybody has different preferences when it comes to desktop backgrounds. Some users prefer plain backgrounds, others opt for still images and some for live wallpapers. The latter may have the smallest base, as live wallpapers require some extra PC resources and the users prefer to sacrifice looks over performance. If system performance is not an issue and you want to test out some neat wallpapers, imDesktop can give you a helping hand.
Intuitive interface that resides in the system tray
The UI has a clean and modern look to it, and it also allows for quick controls regarding downloading and changing the wallpapers. As the program has to stay open to display the wallpapers, the UI, upon closing, will hide in the system tray. If you right click the sys tray icon, a short menu with several quick options will appear.
Also, the app pushes pop-ups regarding new wallpapers ready for download. This can get annoying in long term, but it also can recommend cool and interesting items.
Use any multimedia file as wallpaper
The application can turn any file you throw at it in wallpaper. Images, video, and even audio files can be processed and placed on your background. Yes, you can set up audio wallpapers, with all the necessary controls within the UI or in the system tray menu.
Furthermore, imDesktop supports drag and drop, so if you want to expand the list, just drag more files in. To change the wallpapers, use the “Set as wallpaper” button, which instantly takes effect.
Download new HD wallpapers
imDesktop offers a button that lets you browse through a catalog of items with free download possibility. After you’ve downloaded a file, import it or drag it in, and it will become a part of your list.
In conclusion
imDesktop is a neat app that lest you use any multimedia files as wallpaper and offers a database with a good number of live wallpapers from where you can choose and download your favorite wallpapers. Its simple and easy-to-use UI won’t cause any problem in with the app operation.
What's new in imDesktop
Improved wallpaper engine for Windows 10 Improved memory and CPU usage Supported static wallpaper set UI tweaks Download imDesktop version
How to Install:
1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.
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